
OH! SHIT !! HOW COME LOL / Aniversary 2 years my LIFE in Malaysia

      Still left about 10 days , i have been here in Malaysia.  😱

It's so excited for me and my friend on that first time we are traveled. 

    A lot of good and bad memories about people in this country. 

And finally.... I'M STILL ALIVE      <3  <3   haha,

    bacause i'm strong more than them know.'s full of my limit time to '' Learning BY Doing '' about this case. 

as i said at first time came that just for understanding more about people / mindset / and i wanna understand more about everythings , reasons , what , why , bla bla bla   haha    

      -[ TODAY // 17th - Oct. - '2020 ]- 

at last.. { it's a little bit sad when say this word   lol }

but LIFE must goes on.. and yeah ! time to go and walk away. 

here have nothing for me to learn anymore.   

PEOPLE/ LIFESTYLE   just simply everyday. 

may be have a bit differnt about the chinese men and Malay muslim guys.

 but 90% they're crazy online games.  Man crazy play applicretion games about chat&meet beautiful girls . something like that.  

but sorry i know not much about the women's lifestyles in this coutry 

because i have no any girl - friends here.  But only one thing i can see is 

HABITS of all women in this world are SAME SAME  haha

LEARN -> LIVE -> LIEs -> then..Say GOODBYE so easy.  Who's care! 



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